Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kicking Ass

Was catching this movie a couple of months back - KickAss starring Nicolas Cage. And with Mika coming into town, I thought it was appropriate to share this MTV.
Anyway finally got back to Wing Chun after a 2 months hiatus. This time round, I've changed location and learning the Cho Ga Wing Chun, which is a deviated form of Wing Chun, which we do not see in the movies from Ip Man 1,2 and upcoming more movies dedicated to Hong Kong-styled Wing Chun instead. For more information on Cho Ga Wing Chun it is found here - Ban Chung Zheng Dan Kam Cho Ga Wing Chun.

There are many Wing Chun classes in Singapore, springing up in interest due to the onslaught of Wing Chun movies. Clearly marketing helps in all things even martial arts. Well, I do hope this will not be a 5-min interest to all who are currently seen packing the classes. It is always good to learn martial arts for self-defense as well as for keeping in check - discipline and health.

Martial arts can be classified into close range or long range, defensive or offensive. After completing Tae Kwon Do for over 10 years, it is decided that I should choose a reactive close range combat to complement longer range defensive TKD fighting styles. Also because I can't jump anymore; and Wing Chun is really for all gender and all ages.

I am currently learning from Sifu Ken Lau who's lineage is from Ip Chun, son of Ip Man. (Yup the kid who rode a bicycle in Ip Man 1, and passing on Mom's message to Dad to start fighting or else everything in the house would break). Sifu Ken Lau is one of the very few certified Wing Chun instructors here in Singapore teaching both the Hong Kong Ip Man and the China Cao Family (Cho Ga) Wing Chun system. The class schedules can be found here. And his arms are rock solid and fist is probably bigger than some of the students' faces. Hope I can maintain the classes over the next few decades. Martial Arts is a form of combat and art, and together with science, body and mind - it can be very interesting; and it helps to kick asses or prevent your ass from being kicked!