Sunday, June 13, 2010

Degrees of Love

There are varying degrees of love, quite often proclaimed in many different ways.

Proclaimed first: I Love You
I Love You
I Love you very much
I Love you thissssss much (widen arms) and for wholeeee eternity
Me too

Sometimes you wonder why you go into extending measurements or quantifying something such as "LOVE".
It gives you highs and lows as according to 1) the shitty or wonderful day you are having at work; 2) responds to the better half's answers; 3) how sleepy or drunk your partner is; 4) how romantic you are feeling; 5) million and one other reasons...
Isn't it better to just leave things calm and simple. No simple harmonic motion, just a flat line when your answers will always be the same. That way, you will never wonder or question why today's I-Love-You is stronger/weaker than last week's response. Everything is in equilibrium.

Well, things aren't as simple as you wish it would be.

When you finally found somebody to love; someone you wonder where he/or she has been all your life; someone whom you had your first fight it physically or emotionally, and it just feels pointless yet needed and crazily fun; somebody who completes your sentences for you, from a candy name to some scientific jargon; someone you want for the rest of your life... I guess things can get pretty complicated.
That somehow you want to find ways to simplify make them last...forever.

When we realise simple is actually good, a simple I-Love-You could have come from a seemingly complicated thought process which figured through experiences, learnt through romance novels or movies, fought through gossips and grapevines of real-life stories; then basically came to conclusion that a simple I-Love-You isn't really that is a manifestation of detailed thinking, hours spent pondering...and figuring out the best way to say it - all in 3 simple but time-tested words.