Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Note to self - 2

Following 10 notes to myself in July, here are another 10 reminders to myself, after a relaxing vacation in UK.

1) As one get older, there is a constant need to exercise the brain as things become mundane or easier - apparently blogging and facebook helps in many ways.
2) There is no rushing of things, everything is about the journey and process - be it learning a new martial arts, new academic interest or falling in love.
3) Realization that there are more Nissan Sunny/Latio haters in Singapore than I think.
4) Though I have some flair in sales when I started working, Dad often lament what will happen if I grow old and selling isn't exactly a skill set I can survive with - then I saw all my insurance/car/house sales agent friends. They have so far made enough to live comfortably and my engineering pay off is still far off from retirement. Never listen to your parents - what they know now, might not apply 20 years later.
5) We need to understand that there are always alternatives, especially after you have seen the greener pastures.
6) When you live by a loch with a calming view which you can wake up to every morning for the rest of your life, you ask yourself why are you compromising living on an island of a never ending rat race.
7) By moving yourself away from the norm, peer pressures and highly creative marketing, somehow a nice grocery bag seems more relevant than a branded LV, Prada bag.
8) By ridding yourself of wants, you realize actually your needs aren't so difficult to fulfill.
9) When you have finally fulfilled the list of things you wanted to do when you were a teenager - its either time to make a new list or grow up.
10) U2 concerts are best enjoyed live and not on DVDs.