Thursday, June 11, 2009

Irony of global warming

Lately the weather has been very hot in sunny Sillypore - and it's not helping that our island is SUPER humid! Well, we can all attribute it to global warming. And it is a well known fact that carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary contributor to global warming.

Well the irony of it, hot weather -> turn on air conditioning -> carbon dioxide emission -> globe gets hotter -> turn down the thermostat further -> more carbon dioxide emitted -> you get the picture

Turning up your thermostat by just two degrees saves 6 percent of heating-related CO2 emissions. That's a reduction of 190 kg of CO2 per year for a typical HDB!

As the world gets more growth, urbanised, we will have more carbon dioxide emission.
My next post will be on growth and prosperity - Another irony. Watch for it.

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