Sunday, May 16, 2010

Finally found my diary

I read a lot of books, be it text books, science fiction, fiction, fantasy, horror, humour, comics, autobiographies etc.. Realising I have finished quite a number over the course of my life which I mostly speed read through. Some never completed and are still left on my shelves, slowly collecting dust and the bookmark lost in there somewhere. Sometimes I go to a bookshop or a library, walking through shelves and browsing for interesting covers, some managed to catch my eye but I read the first page and did not bother finishing it; some I read the first page and skipped to the ending. Never could quite find a book that I can read over and over again, something worth keeping beside my bed. Then I realised what I was looking for wasn't actually a book...

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


The only true version found out on youtube, despite the Spanish lyrics and terrible feedbacks, the song is a classic.

Trying to ruffle the leaves, so that the magic is gone; guess that's the only way to know if things are as perfect as it seems and indeed if you're all I need.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Knowing someone

A friend shared this clip on Facebook and she said, "Not all girls are like that!"..well I think some of her friends think most Singaporean girls are like that. Well go watch this cute clip and tell me what you think?

In the end, I think it boils down on how well you know her and her background and what she is looking for in life. It's all about expectations and people do change in life, just make sure you can handle that expectation and know your other half very well before you even start (when I said other half, I meant the girl though I don't want to appear feminist but it is the fact of life that the male is expected to provide and not the other way around), else just throw the key to someone else! Because you might end up like the game character stuck with nowhere else to go, like how life is sometimes; once we start on mortgage payments, car financing, kids'll be stuck and lament on how your life would have been and by then, it would have be too late.