Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just not right

My million dollar Hell Health minister just made suggestions to ship our aged to Johor, and I do not think I twisted any words, because that's how I see it. I hear lots of undeveloped land, unused buildings being discussed on newspapers, for foreign workers. I see lots of 18-hole golf courses in Singapore. Has the Singapore Inc entity became so heartless? I wish I could ship my f#$king minister back to Malaysia.

This is a nice video, I won't not take care of my parents because I fear retribution or my future generation might do the same. Somehow in my generation, my moral upbringing taught me it's just not right. I guess million-dollar-ivory-towered-greater-mortals have different moral education.

When is enough finally enough? Has Singapore lost its heart? Singapore is a disgrace.


Anonymous said...

wah..nice video man..first touching Malay video I've seen..

Anonymous said...

yeah indeed... very touching.