Facebook is a wonderful social networking tool. I've found my long lost primary school friends of over 20 years to even newly found ones. Even tonight, an Army friend whom I have lost contact with since Uni days have found me! hahaah
What's most interesting is that I have dwindled my addiction to Facebook, stopped myself from playing the addictive Petrol Head where I have managed to get an Aston Martin DBR9 Le Mans version and accumulated 15639600 points! I basically now use Facebook to keep in touch with my friends and ex-colleagues, like an emailing tool except its cool to stay in touch without sacrificing the already limited time we have. It's cool to put up old photos and new ones tagging friends in there, sharing all the photos we have taken, and even share the vacation pictures. In the beginning I've basically added all sorts of applications, and little did I know that this application called Compare People, which our peers vote for each other such as best smelling, smartest etc...have me stumbled in confusion.
I just recently saw that I have been voted:
1) Most athletic (Duh, I am training hard for my IPPT lately, cos I normally die passing the 2.4km run - have you seen me? I am like overweight!)
2) Most desired for marriage (Err..I am still single leh)
3) Most dateable (Err...single..and available and dateless)
4) Best catch (I think this one is because all other good men are married or attached already)
5) Most kissable (Ok, this one I do not mind, but hey I ain't getting any! Maybe that's why, have lots of kisses left)
So this is something I totally cannot fathom as well as my crazy friends who think that by having a ride..(check out the Aston Martin!NOT! hahha) you can get lots of gals.. but hey I ain't getting any dates or kisses! I doubt the female gender is really that shallow. In case you do not mind a date, that's me circled and arrowed in the little picture with Jase...just kidding..
:P Conclusion I think my friends are just being nice!..way too nice!
Woohoo no more IPPT!
damn u...
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