Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Life's still good..

Recently life has been tumultuous for me. Everything doesn't seem to look as beautiful as before.

Usually in the morning, I will have the woman of my life sitting beside me - my mom, nagging at me as I drop her off work, and in the event the nagging requires a response, I would turn on the radio. Local radio stations really talk too much - Power 98, Class 95, Perfect 10-98.7 FM, my gosh either they are laced with adverts or sublimal selling, or they can be rather crude.

My love for classical music is somehow still hidden there, covered by angst of rock, alternative, punk, pop music during my adolescent periods of clubbing and extreme sports. With the windows down, and my radio tuned to Symphony 92.4 FM, I start entering another world where I start to lose focus in life and leave the rat caged environment; slowly try to merge with nature and its unhurried pace.

I smell the cold morning wind laced with dew, check out the clouds in the skies for familiar shapes, reaching out my right hand to feel the racing wind. With the radio belting out a John William overture, in that brief moment, I sense that life's still somehow good despite all the turmoils in life - God's somehow out there with a wand scattering glimmers of hope.


Anonymous said...

..and all that on a Monday, wished it could be me...

On another note, I kinda had it with the number of advertisements local radio stations force us to endure time and time again. Adding to that, distasteful content...sigh!! Stopped listening to it for a while already, although at the risk of losing out on the latest hits. But I guess that is something I have to live with...grr..

airworm said...

it was a tuesday jase..
well i think u have ur ipod is enuff..now trying to load my 4gb SDHC on the N95 to get as much music as possible instead of listening to the crap corny local radio stations. Is there some technology which we can tune in to internet radios?