Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year

Yes it is that time again for bah kwa, for pineapple tarts and for friendship...and not forgetting the time for weight gain. Just not too long ago we celebrated New Year and before that Christmas, hardly any chance for enjoying a break from good food and good company. As I get older, I am starting to realise that good company is hard to find. I am starting to get bored. Some reunions or gatherings started to become all too obligated. Not sure why I am feeling like that. Perhaps I am getting older and time is becoming a precious commodity? Or have I been filling my head with more info and out seeking for better advice or better conversations? Life is an every changing process. Some people are meant to drop off; we are suppose to make new friends, meet new people, learn new things. And every one of those experience can be a positive or negative experience. The most important thing is knowing which direction do you want to go. Because the journey is not over till "The Fat Lady sings". Like my driving in a foreign country, often I get lost, make a U-turn or reroute or find a new road to get to my destination and sometimes, it brings happy experiences perhaps a more scenic drive. All in all, you never know what you are going to get, till you make that journey. Good or bad, we have to take it all.
My drive towards Dufftown with my wife as we missed a turn but we saw snow-capped mountains!