Saturday, April 16, 2011

I repeat nothing is more important than the heart and intention

In the end, what's most important is the heart and intention, nothing else matters. Some claim execution, some claim leadership are equally important. That argument is going back to the fact we need elitist, people who are deemed talented; only the esteemed in their field should perform the job. This is civil service, we don't really need doctors, lawyers or 27-year old CONsultants to serve the people. We must understand there is an intricate system in the ministries which are already filled with scholars and lots of experienced civil servants who are doing actual work.

Let's do a case study on the Titanic, classic example of failed leadership and arrogant yet ignorant execution. Titanic's Captain Smith was on a maiden voyage on the Titanic and going to New York was his final retirement trip.  He was headed for the easy life, steering the most advanced ship in its time - indestructible; unsinkable so they say. No one is sure why he ignored seven iceberg warnings from his crew and other ships.  Responsibility can’t be ignored or delegated.  Leadership is to be responsible for everything an organization does or fails to do. If the heart and intention is in the wrong place, no matter what track record one holds or how brilliant you are in execution, the complacency will somehow fail you in ways you would never have expected. Just as in the battle between David and Goliath, they say that sometimes God chooses our battles and our ends.

If your heart is true and intended for the people, how far can one go wrong? Do not judge other countries, unless you've studied their history and culture well. The only difference I see would be Sillyporeans are obedient repressed farks who love status quo unless provoked.

Sick of all these election talk and apathetic ground, I can't wait for voting day to come and get over and done with. We all know the eventual results. I leave you with one important message and some pictures I took last year but never had the time to share.
First they came for the communists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
 By German Pastor Martin Niemoller, who first supported Hitler's rise to power and regretted his decision, and we all know how that ended. Blind faith in a excellent leader and executor as well as executioner - responsible for all 46 million lives lost.

Let's work together, team A or B - we're Vietnamese
The road to change is long
Here's me longing for more photography - fark politics!
I just want a simple life and finally understood why ignorance is bliss.