Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Elections Fever

Have you been caught up in elections fever of late? Men in White seems to enjoy shooting themselves in the foot.
Be it Kate Spade or Doctors confusing National Service with saving kids' lives on a paid occupation.

I can hardly wait for more boo hoos from the Cabinet Ministers. Those days spent sleeping in parliament or out spending $50k on Paris cooking lessons is finally showing. I love how with Kate Spade young girl being introduce by the PAPys, we now have gotten more of apathetic women crowd involved.

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. ~ Abraham Lincoln.

As you can tell the Men in White no longer have monopoly over talents as we have more good men on the other side making sacrifices to bring our country on track where GRCs, estates upgrading and Boundary changes are nothing but a scam. The Gen Y and Zs are starting to peel off the blinkers and see how we all have been hoodwinked. And oh yeah...I love social media...people in White sucks at it.