Saturday, December 04, 2010

The journey begins

Looking back and it is analogous to a shipwreck washed up onto the shore, the devastation from life couldn't be far worse as we pick up pieces of the wreck and try to live again.Slowly but surely, we find ourselves back; we find motivation to grow, to learn, to mature. It might sometimes take up to 40 lives/experiences to know what you really want, and possibly a million others of what-ifs; but all we really needed was just one to make it just right. Then suddenly you realise, all the "bads" that has happened...happened for a reason. And the reason makes one value what has happened and glad that it happened.... This is the journey of life.

When you find that elusive one amongst the vast what-ifs, your mind takes on a new perspective. From embracing all the past "bads" that has happened, and turning them into preparation; from finding the courage to take on the challenges to be that brave man (with proper upbringing - 家教) who wins the fair lady; from picking up a wreck piece and start to build that ship again with solid rock foundation to set sail into the sun. The journey and experiences were all tough, but it's worth every single effort and somewhat sweetens the deal.
The project engineer finally met the toughest challenge he has so far, and is glad to have survived it, now onto the fun bit!