Saturday, August 21, 2010

Don't lose track

For a friend.

Quite often for new couples, without re$ource$, they will spend lots of time and effort finding a home which belongs to both of them in their new future journey. Very often in Singapore today, money becomes an issue since housing often is very expensive and becomes a 25-30 year liability which adds on to undue stress on top of marriage preparations. Typical woes of new couples in Singapore. Baby? That can wait...the non-conducive marriage life in Singapore. What SDU, what baby bonuses? Singapore Government should help in ways that actually matters...control inflation, control housing, control wage what real governments do.

Hang in there my friend, don't forget romance, don't over commit, don't forget what really matters and lose track of why and how. Prioritise your life...sometimes what you see ahead won't matter because what's just next to you might all be gone quicker than you think.
Good luck.