Thursday, May 21, 2009

Moments in Time

The phases of Venus, observed by Galileo in 1610

Today is an anniversary of a very special day and I believe it might have changed the past and perhaps the future of Sillypore.

These are 2 good reads today which provided insight to how my 3rd President thought and what could be the reason why he was forced to step down. And the other of a man who stood by what he believes in and managed to serve the citizens well in his limited capacity.

Both I believe did whatever they could, limited perhaps by their own selfless beliefs that truth will prevail someday.

Again I would like to remind those reading this blog, I don't drink coffee and I am in no way supporting or biased to any factions except for good literacies of noteworthy history.

Personally I believe we have come a long way and Man in general have to stock take on their personal goals and what we truly believe in. I have friends who look towards retirement plans in other countries, some who look towards making a small dent in global warming and saving Aeia. But where do we stand in our quest of being truly humane? Seriously, I do not think we care.

Our world illiteracy levels have halved since the last 40 years, and the arrival of the Internet has connected each and every one of us closer. But somehow I feel more isolated every other day.

There are moments in time which have defined how we now think. From when women were never thought as equals but mere tools of reproductive system, we now have Forbes or Fortune listing World's most powerful women to even FHM sexiest list of women. The last 100 years have been most exciting for the "weaker" gender, but apparently it stopped short in many other parts of the world. Where women are still veiled and subjected to polygamy and various harsh rules. We have also came a long way since religion and politics goes hand in hand, to present times where one must tread with care to keep politics secular. From science and religion where a mere 400 years ago, Galileo who led the scientific revolution, introduced the heavens a whole new Universe. Astronomy and the birth of modern science whom the churches once condemned Galileo guilty of heresy, forced him to spent the rest of his life under house arrest.

We have indeed come a long way from those revolutionary periods where the truth was condemned as heresy, only to find in matter of time to be nothing but false charges which are actual truths stabbing at establishments, at that present system. So moving forward as Man should, we should always remember the paths we took and how we got there in the first place. The sacrifices of many, who made it all possible for the way we live right now in the present. So remember today, Sillyporeans.

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