Friday, May 08, 2009

Finally but what really happened

Our bus stops, walls, etc can finally look nice again after 13 months.
Plastered with his picture all over Singapore, I was actually wondering when can we take down this "Wanted" posters.

But from the BIG BIG fonts all over the "State" Times and Today, it is obvious our authorities are happy and some Wong can finally heave a relief that his 13 months ago decision to thicken his skin and stay on for such a debacle. So now the million dollar question, who caught him and why now? Apparently Mas Selamat was captured by Malaysian authorities back in Apr 1st. Do we have to wait for more than a month before we find out it was not an April's Fool joke? And from Asiaone news:

Singapore police spokesmen could not immediately be reached for comment on the report.

Why is that so? All over ChannelNewsAsia Channel on TV, it streams "Singapore confirms the capture of Mas Selamat". Why do we need to confirm? Didn't our authorities know about his capture since 1 Apr?

A Singapore government spokeswoman confirmed the arrest but gave no other details on where or when.

Did the Johor authorities pull a fast one? And announced it without our Singapore Police 'partnership', thus only after more than a month, can we inform the citizens that the MOST WANTED terrorist in Singapore has been captured? I thought good news should share what..our State Times is known to share good news and hide the bad ones!

Singapore role in arrest

Intelligence provided by Singapore's Internal Security Department late last year led to a joint operation between Malaysia and Singapore's security agencies that eventually saw them arresting Mas Selamat in Johor in April.

It was not the first time that information from Singapore helped to nab the escape artist.

Really? Intelligence was provided by our ISD but we cannot confirm his arrest until now? I do not see what's the point and why so many indications to highlight the role of Singapore authorities in this capture. Are we too ashamed to acknowledge that State-Times-often-publishing-crime-laden state like Johor did what has eluded our uniformed men?

I can't wait to know more about what really happened, but apparently the Malaysian authorities are not giving up the prized loot. He is still being held by the Malaysian authorities for interrogation. After a month, still drinking kopi and chit chatting as we shake leg and decide not to announce in the whole freaking month of April.

One word - Dodgy.

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