Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday blooooody Sunday!

Sunday mornings are the happiest in the morning and saddest in the night. Happiest cos I get another weekend after a late Saturday outing and saddest when damn it's Monday tomorrow.
So as I drive down towards East Coast Park for a morning of workout and sea breeze, with U2 blasting in the background going "Sunday ..bloody .. Sunday..", its going to be a great day...
Strapping my blades up as I waited faithfully for my lazy friends to get here, I made my way to Bedok Jetty which has always be a stopping point for a view I will never fail to appreciate.

Check out the 3 tone sea...

After a teaching session to my friends..I made my way down to Parkway for a Sunday-test-of-patience-time. Was signing up for another broadband deal with Singtel as I decided to cancel the slow Starhub service I have been getting. Despite the 8mb free upgrade, I am getting only a max of about 300kbps as my friends who have switched over are getting 800kbps. As I get older...I realised time is something I cannot afford to waste. So indeed I need a faster car and some kick ass faster broadband connection. But here I am queuing a freaking 1 and a 1/2 hour to get some service, and damn the connecting service isn't immediate, I have to wait about 4 days to get it up. And wait another week to get the service guy over, so I decided to bring the set back on my own and fix it up myself in 4 days time.

After all that waiting, and working out in the morning, now its time for some fat gaining chillout session with the buddies as KP is celebrating his annual malt aging day. He is as usual the 1st to cross those numbers followed by Kun which is next week.
With great pizza and lots of beer, 7 darksides and another 2 wonderful Brewerkz complimentary jugs for the birthday boy; we enjoyed the Australian Tennis Open match where Djokovic went up against unseeded Tsonga. He played well but eventually lose in 4 sets to Djokovic who earlier broke Federer's streak of 10 straight Grand Slam finals in the semis.

What fine beer with tennis watching to savour.

Time for some birthday cake cutting as bought by Jase and his boo who faithfully went down to Fullerton to get the cake but it has indefinitely been closed and we have to settle for a Bakerzin cake instead. We'll try again next week for Kun's birthday.

Enjoying the chocolate "cigar".
Man we getting old...soon it will be my turn..damn it!


david santos said...

Hello, Len.
thanks for posting and photos, very nice.
have a good week

Anonymous said...

yeah..we will order this time round for Kun..KP ain't getting the same love..wahaha!!

airworm said...

Nah u guys are nice..u actually went to the trouble. Oh yeah..let me pay for Kun's cake this time?

Anonymous said...

hey you teaching blading to your friends isit??

Anonymous said...

Len: hmm..that one you need to ask Lyn man..coz she is known to be the cake provider for alot of parties and she is rather proud of that..keke..

airworm said...

Yup Nic, you interested to learn? I am self taught together with Jase, we started blading before there were any schools or instructors or even instructional tapes are available in Singapore. I am teaching my friends on Sundays. You can pop by after church...or if u have friends who wanna learn..just let me know how many..

airworm said...

ok man..i shall leave it to Lyn then..