Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Degeneration is a slow whithering process whereby an entire society soon cease to function to its full capability and capacity, slowly weakening and grow smaller; with the possibility of creating social ills, disorders and possibly moral disillusions and perversion. It is the direct opposite of evolution.

As I observed the situation around us, people only caring about themselves, political apathy and the growing anger/smirk at others' rant and complains, disengaging from discussions. Plain old feeling of getting too much of the same thing? That is the beginning of civil degeneration.

Slowly your goals and objectives in an altruistic life will veer off-course, your manners and behaviour in society will be of less importance; simply because there is no point of it all -  feedback must have an avenue, change must first have the remote possibility of acceptance. It is never about the need for external validation, but the sad fact that you might lose your family and friends in the process. And being in existence is to be part of a civilisation. I see youngsters, peers often wanting to help, to contribute to society but slowly they see obstacles appearing one by one. The roots of arbitrary or arrogant schism arises from self-centred, dogmatic thinking, bureaucracy, nepotism, defending cover-up lies or just plain stupidity. Slowly the bane will eat you up, as frustration and despair creeps in - a pessimistic, bleak future painted...and before you know it, you become someone you told yourself  never to be.

That is the beginning, so snap out of it and end it where it should...and evolve.
Love what this guy is doing with just post-it notes.