Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Interesting stuff you find on Facebook about Singapore Policies

Before I begin with the interesting stuff you find on Facebook which is closely related to the policies the government has been making lately, it is good to note from the walls and comments found in social sites or other forms of new media, there are about 6 ABCDEF groups of people you will often observe.
1) The Apathy group who don't comment at all and are sitting on the fence on everything.
2) The seemingly Biased/Blind group who protest at everything or support blindly on all issues basically because they are on the same side.
3) The Complaint group who does nothing but whine without any analysis of the issues.
4) The Destructive group who engages everyone to do stupid things like spamming some MP's email.
5) The Effeminate group who I think are the worse kinds, often telling people to stop whining, what is the point of doing this or that, cannot change anyway, accept the fact that...etc - Seriously isn't it worse than whining/complaining? Because I think at the very least a complaint raises awareness.
6) The Fruitful group who will have constructive suggestions and critical analyses to take it to the next level.

This is a pretty interesting Facebook group : Dear PM Lee, please take the train with me :)
This group is asking our PM to get down from the ivory tower and take time to see how the public transport is actually performing. An interesting find on the wall inside the group :-

LKY's daughter Lee Wei Ling wrote on Sunday Times today (21st Mar):

"My brothers chose not to give their children any Western names. One nephew, when he was in school, asked his parents' permission to adopt a Western name. His mother Ho Ching told him: 'In China, only waiters and waitresses use Western names.' My father
 also explained how 'Harry' became part of his name and how he tried to remove it."

So, if you who have a Western name, Ho Ching is saying you are no better than PRC waiters and waitresses... LOL!

So the PM's wife just proclaimed that me, and a hell lot of my friends including her Father-in-law is no better than waiters and waitresses!!...no offense to the service industry intended on my part, though maybe Ho Ching has. A job is a job, what makes her work more noble? Especially after losing billions and billions of dollars which can be used to help the poor instead of raising Conservancy charges, GSTs, ERPs, Polytechnics/University fees...etc, but seriously I think even if we did not lose those billions, the money wouldn't have gone to subsidise the population but into the coffers of the employees of the SWFs.

Another interesting group: VOTE FOR CHANGE, VOTE THE PAP OUT
This group's manifest or description is pretty interesting and somehow very true, tempted to join the group but fear the repercussions, that my Facebook friends will proclaim I am a biased bigot and thus lose my effectiveness to actually discuss like I am a sound-minded individual with no political affiliations (haha, which is true that I am sound-minded and somewhat educated with absolutely no inclination for whatever party but focussed more on policies made by sleeping buffoons in parliaments these days) :-

Moral is the master of Talent.

Change is all about having Moral Values and reassessing Singapore's System of Governance.

Change is not putting Singaporean couples to 30 years of HDB mortgage loans.
Change is not longer working hours, lesser salaries and sacrificing your love ones.
Change is not about giving PAP the power to rule for the next 50 years.
Change is not integrating Singaporeans with Foreigners.
Change is not about raising the price of Public Transport as and when the Government likes.
Change is not overcrowded and low quality service SBS who hire Foreigners who cant speak English as drivers.
Change is not about raising your CPF withdrawal rate to 71 years old.
Change is not benefiting Employers and somehow wish that the savings trickle down to the average Singaporean worker.
Change is not making our Elderly and Poor take to the streets and collect tin cans and cardboard.
Change is not increasing Ministerial Salaries by another 8.8% in 2011.
Change is not appeasing Singaporeans' anger with paying lip service and enacting U-turn policies.
Change is not putting our elderly, poor and handicapped to humiliations when they approach help
Change is not having Singaporeans being fearful of criticizing the government
Change is not having overcrowded infrastructures and sardine-packed public transport
Change is not about making Singaporeans pay a little and make Foreigners pay a lot more
Change is not having our army boys be financially stranded and have their love, friends and families life suffer
Change is not about disadvantaging singaporean NS men with reservists and making them pay for a useless stupid safra card and pioneer magazine
Change is not about putting our single parents to suffer and deny them of benefits
Change is not about having a small group of elites make policies and force them down Singaporeans' throats

Change is not PAP.
Change is about Singaporeans


1) Inefficient Policies(Exisiting and Newly-passed)
1a) Lack of Social Security for Elderly
1b) National Service
1c) Low CPF interest rate
1d) Medisave, Medishield, Special Account and CPF Investment Scheme
1e) GRC system and Electorate Walkover

In 2009, we have relentless import of Foreigners, CPF Life, Increase of CPF Min Wage and Extension of CPF Withdrawal Age.

2) Damaging Effects caused by the Inefficient Policies
2a) Unemployment rate and Crime rate on the rise
2b) Salaries Depressed or Stagnanted
2c) Longer Working Hours
2e) Lower Productivity
2f) Higher HDB Property Prices
2g) Higher Food and Living Costs,
2h) Lower standard of living
2i) Increase in the number of Poor
2j) More Singaporeans Emigrating
2k) Higher Shortage of university places and scholarships for
Singaporean students
2l) Nearly all Scholarships for the Rich, Elitism in the name of
2m) Refusal to release Proper Statistics(citizens unemployment rate)
2n) CPF not enough for Retirement
2o) Lower Dispensable Income due to CPF
2p) Foreign Workers preferred by employers
2q) Overcrowding in our schools, facilities and infrastrutures
2r) Road congestion despite rising costs and numbers of ERPs
2s) Over SGD$55 Billion plus the recent $1 Billon New York Stuyvesant
Losses by Temasek Holdings and GIC headed by Ho Ching and Lee
Kuan Yew
2t) NS-serving Males disadvantaged
2u) Explotation of PAP's pro-foreigners stance by Foreigners
2v) Macro brainwash exercise daily by Singapore Press Holdings
2w) Diluting of National Identity because of PRs and New Citizens
2x) Few differences in benefits between for Citizens and Foreigners
2y) Higher Medical Costs but lower in standards with overcrowded
Polyclinics and Hospitals
2z) Insult and humiliation of those who seek help
2za) Lack of Support for Local Musicians, Sportsmen, Actors and Artists, support for foreign counterparts instead

We must remove these lopsided, inefficient, incompetent and Singapore-damaging Policies created by the current PAP administration which drafted as and when to suit their self-serving interests.

theonlinecitizen Donaldson Tan:
"PAP calling anti-PAP as partisan is equivalent to Christian fundies calling atheism or humanism a religion."

PAP said they put Singaporeans first and we fully agree, this is why:

1) First to Die in times of war
2) First to be Retrenched in times of recession
3) First to suffer paycut
4) First to get priority, after the elites and foreigners
5) First to donate generously to the needy
6) First to be rejected for welfare benefits
7) First to bear the brunt of HDB property price increase
8) First to be given priority in low paying jobs like cleaners and road sweepers
9) First to be blamed. e.g. Singaporeans blamed for complacency for Wong Kan Seng's Mas Selamat
10) First to be given spurs in their hides for being lazy.

(thanks to Temasek Review for the first 10 reasons http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/01/19/singaporeans-come-first-yeah-right/)

11) First to serve National Service.
12) First to be arrested for defamation and disobedient charges
13) First to be pick tin cans and cardboards in the streets
14) First to be booted out of HDB flats if we can't pay town councils and banks
15) First to contribute CPF(PR contribute only 15% for 1st 2 years)
16) First to have your organs removed once declared brain dead under HOTA
17) First to pay more through ERP hike, GST hike, Electricity hike, Price hike and Inflations
18) First to compromise our space, jobs and resources for foreigners
19) First to be rejected for scholarships and local university places
20) First to be ignored for complaints and feedbacks