Sunday, April 05, 2009

Handsome Suit

I just went to catch this Japanese movie with a group of friends, called "Handsome Suit". It is similar to the Hollywood movie Shallow Hal back in 2001.
I think there is a great moral behind the story and it is really funny, so everyone should go watch it!

The thing about this movie, is that it was very apt as we discussed this over a hotpot dinner where a couple was trying to introduce this "ugly" shy friend of theirs to one of the girls. He was apparently very rich, and technically if she marries him, she can confirm be tai-tai. But why doesn't she want? First of all, I think it is a lot more than $ to attract. Secondly, perhaps she should give that "ugly" guy a chance. I told her to stop calling her friend "ugly", and use the word unattractive instead. Because to me, ugliness comes to mind in the form of something more than skin deep since someone with a heart of gold can't be ugly...

Friends always think that I am shallow because I have good looking girlfriends. Aren't they all judgemental? I never let a pretty girl cut my queue, but I would gladly open a door for ladies, irregardless of how they look, because it is the right thing for all men to do. I am a difficult person, complicated with many factors which can turn me off like a light switch. And these girls have all nice non-physical attributes which attracted me to be with them. Like in this movie, there was a pretty woman trying to make an ugly man fall in love with her. Do you think he gave her a chance? No spoilers for those who have yet to catch it.

First of all, I don't think anyone should fall in love with a person because of physical attributes. We cannot deny that physical attractiveness is what brings you closer to the person, before you start to know the person. But what holds the person, is inner beauty. People change and especially attitude towards someone you used to like or so claimed you love'd, might change when perhaps you no longer find her "beautiful".

“Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.”

“It's beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart.”

My kind and wonderful friends have tried to pair me up with so many girls, I almost have lost count going on the dates, #27??? From scientists to stewardess, many are great, wonderful, smart and even rich ladies, some are very pretty, prettier than the girlfriends that I used to have, but somehow they never appealed to me. So why is that so? I believe fate has a part, just as in the show where the girl fell in love with the ugly guy over just one moment in time. But I felt that, that is not all that is needed to make things work - they need to match each other. In one of the lines: "I am the happiest when I am with you." I think that defines everything - Happiness. But then again, sometimes you never know when you are the happiest, until you lose it.

I hope I did not spoil anything for those who are planning to catch the show, as it is really funny and people should all look past physical attributes and know why you like or love the person you are with or are possibly thinking of being with. Ask yourself, why do you love her? If you can strip down the fact that if she grew old, fat and ugly, would you still hold her hands? I, myself am guilty of this that I once shun a girlfriend whom came to find me in University. She was possessive and often came to find me at school and I realized I was scared to be seen with her, why? I wasn't sure anymore, but obviously not because she was old, fat or ugly. But at least now I know it wasn't love. Indeed I was young and naive and have let down many girls. I do hope everyone of them find someone they truly love.

I think like in the movie, everyone should not see things with a biased heart and blinkered eyes. Stop and ask yourself then ask him or her this question, before you start on something magical : "Why do you like me?"

But then again, we live in the world where by our sales and marketing people are all usually attractive; private and personal bankers are also well dressed to the nines. Looks is everything, who wants to see an ugly face? Seriously, how can people change overnight?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

trust in faith which will brings your miss right to you *@@*

*it voice down to inner beauty, dun let the outer beauty blind your eyes and soul*