Friday, August 24, 2012

Singaporean These Days

...are damn Guniang.

And this is the proof.
Cut hair call police.
The mollycoddling mother and child team 

Back in the days when I was schooling. Never wanted my parents involved in the shit and stunts I pulled in school. One unfortunate incident when my mom had to register for my sister in primary school and the Vice Principal exclaimed to my mother, " LL is your son?". And of course, I had a earful of questions when my mother came home.

In my time, no one wanted their folks in school. Everyone had a reputation at stake to uphold. These days, all we hear are kids calling for mommies. When I left secondary school for about 5 years, I heard incidents of my junior scouts calling in their parents after they did push ups as punishments. OMFG! We once did 1000 push-ups, non-stop because a fellow scout letting our troop flag touch the ground. I suffered cramps for hours and I was pretty sure the ground had a hole dug out as well.

In my recent gathering of JC classmates at my place, 20 sweet years of memories....a prison officer mentioned a funny incident. That one of those hooligans or gangsters these days who got jailed for gang related fighting, was overheard saying: "If I don't get my milk today, I complain to my mom!" OMFG!

Seriously, Singaporean men these days..I am pretty ashamed of their farking "macho-ism". Is it just the kids in Singapore or has everyone gone soft these days?
Parents - seriously stop your mollycoddling! You don't know the repercussions you have in your kids' lives in the future. They must be strong enough to learn to live on their own. Spare the rod, spoil the child.