Friday, April 09, 2010

Communism a better choice?

Well recent spikes in housing prices and COEs, with an onslaught in creeping inflation from 30% increase in wet market rentals, commodities etc; it is no wonder the market talk about a awesome V recovery with no sights of a bubble seems to be an acceptable fact. Yet, we have news of homeless people living on beaches being chased off, fined or even housed into temporary flats with many rules in place. We have many young couples telling the HDB they cannot afford public housing, but only to be told to be realistic and accept the 2nd floor flat situated next to a rubbish chute. It seems to be a different paint coat over at different parts of our tiny city.

Yes city, not a country - our celebration of independence is but a facade. I have a Law minister who went overseas to proclaim that the island we live in is not a country but a mere city. We also have our highest titled minister telling us that our pledge on democracy is simply an aspiration. So what else should we be realistic about, what else should we wake up from and accept new known facts about the place we now live in?

I wonder if we should just accept being daft and welcome a "lesser mortal" branded on our foreheads; then accept the fact that we are not a democracy but a communist society...perhaps life would be easier now that we can expect a roof over our heads, food from soup kitchens sponsored by our governments. Well it is claimed by our Minister of Community Development, Youth and Sports, our government do give out such benefits.

“If you were a poor person, anywhere on this planet, Singapore is the one place where you will have a roof over your head, where you will have food on the table…Even if you can’t afford it, we will have meals delivered to you.” – Vivian Balakrishnan, 2010

Wouldn't life be more bearable?