Saturday, August 26, 2006

Yosemite Park...

After a treacherous drive on Highway 120, sitting next to a nervous driver(my colleague haha) who chooses to drive with one hand unknowingly he swerves, and overlooking the cliff on the passenger side..It is great see big stones and tall trees as a sign of security and that God do exist for such beautiful nature and the fact that I am still alive!

Yosemite Park is a wonderful place to camp and live a summer away..Where u can enjoy a bath in the streams, where occasionally a mountain lion chooses to watch..
Where I didn't actually see one, but my American colleagues did. I just caught a few deers and squirrels.

Another week before I get back to Singapore and probably going down to Lake Tahoe for another nice scenery outing rather than Premium outlets of shopping!

It will be another 8 hrs of driving back and forth with my same old colleague...haha
Ooh..i can't wait for the weekend to come! - God keep me safe!

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