Monday, March 07, 2005

Typing a lullaby

Having slept too much, i am having difficulty sleeping right now..
I guess thinking and typing myself to sleep would be something new...
Perhaps i can start counting words instead of sheeps....

Ok maybe recalling what I have done wasting the weekend should help set my goals higher for this new start of the week.

Sat- went to east coast to attend my one of my cg's members baptism...
constantly thinking more abt the big step i took to get baptised last year...and how little i've come so far since...
the wilderness has started and i've been in constant struggle...with well as with being ostracised and persecuted...can't imagine this was the other side i used to look from just a couple of years ago..

anyway followed by some hangout session with my cg as well as trying to diet with a pathetic focaccia sandwich in Mac's

Then admiting that i need to work that off...a short blading session ensued.

Followed by a gym session to work off the other terrible Mac cafe creation - mango smoothie

Sun - Church service followed by another guilt-stricken brunner buffet(brunner is breakfast,lunch cum dinner)..
and having to digest so much food, i needed some rest after the hard work my stomach had to go through...and as a pig would and sleep...

3hrs later,woke up in the night..feeling a need to shoot some hoops led me to the court, taking myself on...and thinking of the constant need to humble oneself when shots you think you can't possibly make start to go in....

what a weekend..humbling and dieting...
so what goals can not be higher than this in the coming week...?

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